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Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Update Juni 2020 Download {Terbaru}

windows7-4004930-3103129BAGAS31 – Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Update Juni 2020 merupakan sistem operasi besutan Microsoft. Di artikel ini saya akan bagikan versi paling baru yaitu Juni 2020. Seperti yang sobat tau, pada tanggal 14 Januari 2020 Microsoft telah menghentikan support untuk Windows 7. Pada versi ini update pada patch security nya.

Namun bagi sobat pecinta Windows 7 jangan khawatir, sobat tetap bisa menggunakannya. Meskipun sudah tidak akan mendapatkan update OS lagi. Sistem operasi ini juga masih menjadi favorit di kalangan pengguna Windows karena kinerjanya yang cukup enteng. Di artikel ini saya bagikan untuk kedua versi (dalam 1 iso); 32bit dan 64bit. Pilih saja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan sobat.

Melalui iso yang saya bagikan ini, sobat akan mendapatkan Windows 7 dengan versi Ultimate. Untuk sobat penggemar Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Update Juni 2020 ataupun yang sudah menunggu update security terbaru, silakan download gratis di sini.






  • Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Update Juni 2020 | 32 bit & 64 bit | 4,63 GB
    : [Part1] [Part2] [Part3] [Part4]
    GDrive : [Part1] [Part2] [Part3] [Part4]
  • Windows Loader Activator 2.2.2
  • Password: | Status: Tested (VMware Workstation)

Download juga:

Key Features:

  • The assembly provides the ability to select the desired bit depth, edition and language;
  • Since the images taken as the basis are initially English-speaking, the first thing the Russian language is integrated is;
  • Further integrated UpdatePack7R2 for Windows 7 SP1 and Server 2008 R2 SP1 20.3.12 Simplix;
  • Via the command line directly into install.wim, NET Framework, Direct-X, Visual C ++, SmartFix are integrated;
  • Next, the edition of Windows 7 Starter was excluded;
  • NVMe and USB 3.0 / 3.1 drivers are integrated into install.wim’s;
  • The assembly was not in Audit mode;
  • All changes were made using the command line;
  • Tweaks and patches were not applied; during testing, it successfully passed a check for the integrity of system resources;
  • Two boot.wim as bootloader. Thus, by choosing bootx86.wim as the bootloader, you can install both versions of the system bit sizes.
  • Choosing bootx64.wim second from the top as the bootloader, it is possible to install only x64 versions of systems;
  • Loaders are native, unchanged, for x64 editions, the function of installing on GPT disks in UEFI mode has been added.
  • Combines remarkable ease-of-use with the entertainment features of Home Premium and the business capabilities of Professional–get it all with with Windows 7 Ultimate Activator.
  • Make the things you do every day easier with improved desktop navigation; start programs faster and more easily, and quickly find the documents you use most often
  • Run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode; watch, pause, rewind, and record TV on your PC
  • Easily create a home network and connect your PCs to a printer with HomeGroup; connect to company networks easily and more securely with Domain Join
  • Recover your data easily with automatic backup to your home and business network; help protect data on your PC and portable storage devices against loss or theft with BitLocker.

Cara Install:

  1. Download ke-4 file part (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) melalui link yang disediakan. Untuk mempercepat proses download, bisa menggunakan Internet Download Manager versi terbaru 6.37 Build 8.
  2. Ekstrak ke-4 file part Windows 7 agar menjadi 1 folder. Bingung di langkah ini? Silakan googling dengan kata kunci “cara ekstrak file part agar menjadi 1 folder“.
  3. Burning file .iso Windows 7 ke dalam DVD atau USB. Bisa menggunakan Rufus, Power ISO atau software sejenis untuk membuat USB dan DVD bootable.
  4. Lakukan proses instalasi Windows seperti biasa.
  5. Pada halaman instalasi, pilih sesuai kebutuhan; 32bit atau 64bit.
  6. Lakukan aktivasi dengan Windows Loader.
  7. Selesai. Enjoy!


  • Pastikan hardisk sobat menggunakan partisi MBR (bukan partisi GPT). Karena aktivator Windows Loader hanya bisa bekerja pada partisi MBR.

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